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Добрый день уважаемые коллеги- художники!
Кто слышал что-либо бо этом итальянском каталоге? Они мне пишут уже больше года. Хотят включить меня в каталог с публикацией моей работы. За это я должна платить или отдать эту самую работу. Ну и мне все жалко как-то .Но они мне все пишут что- то присылают фото каталогов.

У кого есть соображения на их счет кидалово это какое что ли? Продается ли этот каталог и насколько он популярен?

Вот их письмо

I am Remo Alessandro Piperno, art critic and manager of the CIDA Publishing House in Rome, Italy (see google), which has issued, among other things, the CATALOGO INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE MODERNA-MDS (International Modern Art Catalog). As a rule, artists can be inserted in it after having paid a fee and having been selected as highly valuable.
As it is my prerogative as a critic to exceptionally allow into the catalog those few artists who show a distinguished talent, provided they surrender a work of their own. This work, which will obviously have become property of our publishing house, will be placed on the premises and inserted in our art collection.
While browsing the world wide web, I have come across your interesting works which show your unmistakable talent coupled with a vivid passion for art and solid technical skills. So I would be pleased to propose the insertion of your works in the aforesaid catalog.
The catalog can also be viewed on the website.
Should you consider all of the above of such interest to you as to find it useful to propose your art works to a further and wider public, mainly in Europe, in order to increase the number of prospective customers, you can send the following information by May 23th, 2009 by traditional or electronic mail:
your personal photograph;
a photo of one of your works which, together with a brief biography, will be published in the 11th edition of the catalog.

In the hope that I have been useful to you, I will send you my wishes for a prosperous art career.

Remo Alessandro Piperno.

Casa Editrice CIDA
Via Fiorino Fiorini, 26
00152-Roma (Italy)

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